Food Pantry
The Food Pantry at the Ecumenical Church is open every Tuesday from 5-7 pm and Thursday from 11am - 2pm. The Pantry runs as a drive thru distribution with a pre-packed box of nonperishables plus several choice items including meat, bread and eggs.
Pet food available upon request as supplies last.
Please show your ID to sign in.
The drive thru is marked by orange cones and runs along the sidewalk by the courtyard and is limited to one visit per month per household.
First time visitors will need to fill our a short intake form and provide photo ID and proof of address through a utility bill, insurance or medical bill, car registration, or lease.
In addition to the Food Pantry, the 3rd Friday Food Distribution gives out fresh produce on the third Friday of each month, and various events throughout the year include school supply distribution, Thanksgiving Basket Distribution, and flu shot/health clinics.